Add an Event

Event Options

Before adding an event, the event type must be specified. To do this, go to Events>Add>Event Options. Adding an event when no type is given will automatically open this event options window.


Event options window

Event type can be set to an existing type or set to a new type by checking the New Type box, enter the event name and press Enter. The channel option allow to specify whether the event is a global, defined on all channels, or the event is channel specific.

Adding an event

To add an event go to Events>Add>Add Event or use the shortcut Ctrl-A, a crosshair cursor then appears to select the limits of the event.

Global event

To add a global event, use the crosshair cursor to select the start and end of the event on the temporal axis.


Adding a global event

Channel specific event

Stacked Mode

To add a channel specific event in Stacked Mode, both the channel and the temporal limits of the event have to be selected. To select the channel the cursor has to cross one and only one horizontal axis.


Adding a channel specific event in “Stacked” mode

Spaced Mode

To add a channel specific event in Spaced Mode, use the crosshair cursor to select the start and the end of the event on the temporal axis.


Adding a channel specific event in “Spaced” mode